Benefits of Sports Nutrition on Your Health

Sunday, May 27, 2012
There are a lot of misconceptions out there about sports nutrition and whether or not it's appropriate for people who aren't athletes. This is a somewhat understandable fear, as the media at large often likes to sensationalize the diets or supplement regimens of famous athletes. Adding in the media's fascination with aggrandizing sports figures and elevating them onto pedestal and it's easy to feel like the rules that apply to them don't apply to you whether dietary or otherwise. The fact of the matter is, there is a lot that most people can learn from sports nutrition health, and they can gain a lot of benefits from incorporating the dietary insights athletes have learn for their own food consumption.

The ironic thing about this public fear is the fact that most dietary changes over the least hundred years have started out in what it now known as optimum sports nutrition. If you look at the general and fairly predictable pattern for dietary changes and trends, you'll notice that they tend to start with elite athletes and then trickle their way down to the rest of us. In fact, this is true for certain medical treatments in addition to diet.

If you look at the trends closely, you'll even see that dietary changes tend to start with the most EXTREME athletes out there professional bodybuilders. This is due to two simple facts. First, bodybuilders regularly experiment with massive body modulation and re-composition in order to compete in their sport. Secondly, bodybuilders tend to be the ones most willing to try absolutely anything. It's true that most people don't want to look like a pro bodybuilder or to go nearly as far as they go in their experiments, but those experiments are precisely the reason why meal replacements, protein shakes, multivitamins, weight training, and lower carbohydrate diets and many more breakthroughs have all entered the mainstream fitness world.

In many ways, we are all eating the way we are because of insights found in the world of sports nutrition even if we're not conscious about it.

So now that I've hopefully dispelled some of the fear and unnecessary distance that might keep you from embracing sports nutrition as a great way to lose weight and build muscle as an amateur, what benefits can you expect from consciously incorporating these dietary protocols into your life?

For starters, you are likely to drastically reduce the number of times that you get sick. Professional athletes can't afford to get sick, and as such they have devised nutritional programs that tend to promote vibrant good health. Professional athletes are also unable to take too much time lying around sore and beaten up from their training, so you can expect to recover faster from your workouts.

If you follow a solid sports nutrition health plan than you are likely to reach your fitness and performance goals much quicker than if you followed a standard American diet or a slightly healthier variation on it. There's no reason to spend two months trying to lose five pounds when you go do it in two weeks with the right nutritional program.

Overall, optimum sports nutrition is designed to allow the human body to function at its best. That's something that everyone can benefit from- whether you're a computer programmer who likes to row on the side, a new mother looking to lose your baby fat quickly, or just an average Joe who wants to look and feel better than ever before.

Jon Burgheil has been a Sports Nutrition enthusiast his entire life. If you'd like to learn more on how optimum sports nutrition effects your performance in competition please visit my website Sports Nutrition Health where additional information and tips are available.Benefits of Sports Nutrition on Your Health

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about sports nutrition and whether or not it's appropriate for people who aren't athletes. This is a somewhat understandable fear, as the media at large often likes to sensationalize the diets or supplement regimens of famous athletes. Adding in the media's fascination with aggrandizing sports figures and elevating them onto pedestal and it's easy to feel like the rules that apply to them don't apply to you whether dietary or otherwise. The fact of the matter is, there is a lot that most people can learn from sports nutrition health, and they can gain a lot of benefits from incorporating the dietary insights athletes have learn for their own food consumption.

The ironic thing about this public fear is the fact that most dietary changes over the least hundred years have started out in what it now known as optimum sports nutrition. If you look at the general and fairly predictable pattern for dietary changes and trends, you'll notice that they tend to start with elite athletes and then trickle their way down to the rest of us. In fact, this is true for certain medical treatments in addition to diet.

If you look at the trends closely, you'll even see that dietary changes tend to start with the most EXTREME athletes out there professional bodybuilders. This is due to two simple facts. First, bodybuilders regularly experiment with massive body modulation and re-composition in order to compete in their sport. Secondly, bodybuilders tend to be the ones most willing to try absolutely anything. It's true that most people don't want to look like a pro bodybuilder or to go nearly as far as they go in their experiments, but those experiments are precisely the reason why meal replacements, protein shakes, multivitamins, weight training, and lower carbohydrate diets and many more breakthroughs have all entered the mainstream fitness world.

In many ways, we are all eating the way we are because of insights found in the world of sports nutrition even if we're not conscious about it.

So now that I've hopefully dispelled some of the fear and unnecessary distance that might keep you from embracing sports nutrition as a great way to lose weight and build muscle as an amateur, what benefits can you expect from consciously incorporating these dietary protocols into your life?

For starters, you are likely to drastically reduce the number of times that you get sick. Professional athletes can't afford to get sick, and as such they have devised nutritional programs that tend to promote vibrant good health. Professional athletes are also unable to take too much time lying around sore and beaten up from their training, so you can expect to recover faster from your workouts.

If you follow a solid sports nutrition health plan than you are likely to reach your fitness and performance goals much quicker than if you followed a standard American diet or a slightly healthier variation on it. There's no reason to spend two months trying to lose five pounds when you go do it in two weeks with the right nutritional program.

Overall, optimum sports nutrition is designed to allow the human body to function at its best. That's something that everyone can benefit from- whether you're a computer programmer who likes to row on the side, a new mother looking to lose your baby fat quickly, or just an average Joe who wants to look and feel better than ever before.

Jon Burgheil has been a Sports Nutrition enthusiast his entire life. If you'd like to learn more on how optimum sports nutrition effects your performance in competition please visit my website Sports Nutrition Health where additional information and tips are available.